Django, Poetry, ER Diagrams, Apple MacOS Installation challengesThe goal of this article is to document how to install graphviz so I can easily generate ER diagrams in Django.Sep 10, 20241Sep 10, 20241
Python virtualenv shell promptsA quick note so next time I’m trying to figure out how to get a useful shell prompt with my current python virtualenv indicated, I’ll know…May 21, 2022May 21, 2022
Overall - I really like the guidelines you've created here - it would be great to create this as a…1. I think the kebab vs Pascal vs camelCase vs snake_case rules are good to setup before starting a project. The specifics of which format…Apr 18, 20211Apr 18, 20211
Data Pipeline to RWEReal World Evidence (RWE) is built on the backs of many types of aggregated data. Similar but not equivalent data is often aggregated from…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
Traefik, Let’sEncrypt and acme.json Configuration ProblemsTL/DR: To save acme.json file with LetsEncrypt details for Traefik — volume mount parent directory with Traefik container and configure…Mar 25, 20212Mar 25, 20212
Fully agree this is the direction we need to go.Managing use of private data is the only way to go forward. There is too much value to our society in lots of data that is considered…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Wow - most of the highly upvoted commenters are idiots.Generally women and minorities have to be 2X or better to get the same job. Most are dealing with performance anxiety because if they make…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Published inBioDatiComputable Knowledge has Superpowers!One of the side effects of capturing biological knowledge in a computable language is the ability to transform it into new forms. One of…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Homemade Artisanal YogurtI’ve spent a lot of time refining my approach to making homemade yogurt. I originally started this because I wanted more dairy in my diet…Oct 29, 2020Oct 29, 2020
Exporting Intercom Help documentsIntercom, the customer support tool, is really good at a lot of things — their help documents (Articles) tool is not one of those things…Oct 29, 2020Oct 29, 2020